Blue AfternoonsBlue Afternoons album cover

1. Travelling

2. Morning Bird

3. All New

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John Fordham - The Guardian

"Non American jazz vocalists who sing in English without transatlantic mannerisms are always worth a look, and British singer Liz Fletcher, an artist occasionally reminiscent of the celebrated Annie Ross on fast pieces, but with a steady and tranquil emotional gaze of her own, is no exception. .... fine solos from many UK stalwarts including guitarists Jim Mullen and Mark Johns, saxophonists Julian Siegel and Andy Panayi, pianists Robin Aspland and Gareth Williams, and trumpeter Steve Waterman.

"Rupert Wates wrote all the material, and he has an undeviating allegiance to the "misty memories" brand of lyric, and the music's mix of lounge-Latin shuffles, slow reveries and occasional bop veers toward the anonymous But Fletcher has heart, sensitivity and subtle control - her moments with only Mullen's soulful guitar for company show just how expressive she can be."

Bruce Crowther - Jazz Journal

"Once again this very good singer is in collaboration with songwriter Rupert Wates. On her debut CD Mellow Mania, about half the songs Fletcher sang were by Wates; this time the entire CD is devoted to his material and it is very good. Wates works in a contemporary vein of song writing that is far richer than that mined by many of his contemporaries. Fletcher sings with precise measures of verve and introspection called for by the songs, and her voice is always assured and aurally pleasing. I know that some members of the potential audience are a mite uneasy at complete albums of unfamiliar material. However, I do not think that they should allow this to come between them and a very satisfactory blending of contemporary approaches to song writing and song performance. Nice sound."

J F - Jazz Uk

"Very classy new British singer - a little reminiscent of Annie Ross - collaborating here with Paris - based lyric-writer Rupert Wates and a pedigree assortment of fine UK bands including Julian Siegael and Andy Panayi on saxes. Steve Waterman on trumpet, pianists Gareth Williams and Robin Aspland and the formidable Mark Johns on electric guitar. All the songs are Wates originals, mixing funki-bop hybrids, soft Latin reveries, sultry ballads and a couple of duets with Jim Mullen and Garath Williams that get the best from Fletcher's warm sound affecting directness. Only the smoothy synthstrings arrangement of 'All New' perhaps gets too close to dinner-jazz territory for some, and it's a pretty cool, low-lights kind of vocally orthtodox set - but put together with lot care."